
Ex Jugoslavija


On May 20, 1975, members of the Student Satirical Theater (SSG) in Savska 25 in Zagreb made a decision to change their name to Kugla Theatre. Kugla Theatre was one of the most important theatrical, multimedia and interdisciplinary art groups in the SFRY, and especially in Croatia.

The name Kugla Theater comes from the text The Cube and the Sphere by the French theatre theorist Étienne Souriau. Kugla Theater has created a new concept of theatre. Kugla imagined theatre as an urban ritual, a social situation, disrupted theatre as a cube, in which the place for spectators is known in advance, and established the theatre as a Sphere, as a non-dramatic theatre, a total theatre, overlapped with life. Instead of traditional theatre in the sign of "rectangular" marked the relationship of "civic" division to the audience, as a space provided for the audience-observer-consumer. The stage, as a theatre-stage space of extra-real autonomy of art, the sphere appears as a new theatrical being in comprehensiveness, the totality of possibilities life in the theatre, and theatre in life.[1] Starting in 1977, Kugla Theatre performed a series of street-space "as-if" or "als ob" theatrical actions.

The members of the Kugla Theater were: Zlatko Burić, Dunja Koprolčec, Anica Vlašić – Anić, Željko Zorica – Šiš, Zoran Šilović, Heda Gospodnetić, Dragan Ruljančić, Damir Bartol Indoš, Darko Blaslov, Kruno Mavar, Milan Vukšić Ciki, Branko Milković Čvarak.

Kugla Theatre operated from 1975 to 1985 when it split into two factions – hard and soft.

Realised projects:

Werewolf Night or 26 Fantastic Hours in the Life of St. Cyprian and St. Justina (1975) (still as SSG), Love and Memory (1976), Spring Eve (1977), Soft Ships (1977), Transfiguration Sphere (1977), Murder in a Bar (1977), The White Room (1978), The Forgotten Locomotive (1978), The Story of a Girl with a Goldfish and the Blue Star Circus (1979), The Last Hours of the Ice Machine Master (1979), Summer Afternoon or What Happened to Vlasta Hršak (1980), Cabaret Ball (1981), Action 16.00 (1981), The Gigan Affair (1982), Undamped Vibrations (1984), Cut in the Sky (1985), The Final Love Affair (1985).

[1] Suzana Marjanić, Urbani rituali Kugla-glumišta ili estetizacija uličnoga svagdana, Zarez, 2006.

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